Welcome to Cheriton Bishop Pre-school
We are run by the Primary school, providing pre-school education to the children of Cheriton Bishop and surrounding areas.
Opening days/times
We take children from the ages of 2 to 5, and are open during school term time only each week day. We offer care between the following times:
Session times
Morning 9:00-12pm
Lunch 12 -1pm
Afternoon 1 – 3.30pm
All day 9:00-3.30pm
Funding can be used for these sessions or charged at £5 per hour for 3-4 year olds and £5.50 per hour for 2 year olds.
Drop-off and pick up will be from the double glass doors at the beginning and end of the day. Midday drop-off and pick up will be from the wooden road door. Please press doorbell firmly!
For lunch you will need to provide your child with a healthy packed lunch. Alternatively you can order a cooked school dinner.
You can choose for your child to stay for a half or whole day.
After school clubs - Preschool children are able to attend after school clubs on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. This should be booked and paid for on ParentPay. The booking system closes at midnight on Wednesday for the following week to allow us to ensure correct staff ratios.
This comprises of an after school club from 3.30 - 4.30, such as sports and arts and crafts, with these changing termly. Then additional wrap around care can be booked from 4.30 - 5.30pm.
These clubs are charged at £4.25 per hour.
The curriculum provided by Cheriton Bishop Pre-school
For a child between the ages of 2 and 5 years, the pre-school follows the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This curriculum sets goals which state what it is expected that children will know and be able to achieve by the end of the reception year of their education. Cheriton Bishop Pre-school uses this curriculum to help us to track each child’s progress and to enable us to provide the right activities for them. We operate a key worker system for continually observing the children and we share photographs of each child's progress via Tapestry.
How parents/carers take part in the Pre-school
At Cheriton Bishop Pre-school, we recognise parents/carers as the first and most important educators of their children. There are many ways in which parents/carers take part in making the pre-school a welcoming and stimulation place for the children. As a parent/carer you can offer to take part in a session by sharing your own interests and skills with the children; we have had parents/carers in to talk about their jobs, such as nursing and spoken about their country of origin.
The session
The pre-school organises its sessions so that the children can choose from – and work at – a range of activities and, in doing so, build up their ability to select and work through a task to its completion. The children are also helped and encouraged to take part in adult-led small and large group activities that introduce them to new experiences and help them to gain new skills, as well as helping them to learn to work with others. Please feel free to drop in and observe a session in progress, or to see our session plans and the subjects being covered for the current term.
Outdoor play area
We have our own small outdoor play area which is well fenced and secure, with adult supervision at all times. Children have the opportunity to play in the fresh air throughout the year. We often grow plants, feed birds, discuss nature and the seasons, as well as play games in this area. We also share the use of the schools many outside facilities. The children have the chance to play with the school children and familiarise themselves with the environment, thus making the transition to school an easy one. It is a secure area and the Pre-school children wear their own coloured tabards to distinguish them from the older children. Once again, they are supervised at all times. Outdoor activities contribute to children’s health, their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them. The children have daily opportunity to take part in outdoor child-chosen and adult-led activities, as well as using those provided in the indoor spaces.
Snacks and meals
The pre-school provides a healthy mid-morning and afternoon snack and drink. If your child will be staying for a full day, or staying for the lunch clubs, you will need to provide them with a suitable packed lunch. Alternatively a hot school meal can be booked in advance. Milk or water is always available to the children throughout all sessions. We encourage healthy eating and a variety of different things are provided each day. Do tell us about any allergies or dietary needs and we will make sure that these needs are met.
Uniform and Clothing
We have a wonderful red uniform of t-shirts, sweatshirts and polo shirts with our tree logo on. We love the uniform as it makes getting dressed in the morning so much easier, knowing what to wear, giving children a real sense of belonging to pre-school and gets them used to wearing uniform for school. If you would like to purchase any items of uniform please speak to a member of staff. Wearing uniform is voluntary, but if you don’t choose to purchase uniform, please be aware it is best for your child to wear clothes that they are allowed to get messy in, as we often encourage them to get ‘creative’ and accidents do happen! The pre-school does provide aprons for the children when they play with messy activities.
Settling in
We want your child to feel happy and safe at the pre-school. All children are different and while some settle into Pre-school almost immediately, others may find the move from their home environment more difficult. Therefore, you are more than welcome to stay on with your child if they would be happier.
Cheriton Bishop Pre-school hopes that you and your child enjoy being members of the Pre-school and that you both find taking part in our activities interesting and stimulating. The staff are always ready and willing to talk with you about your ideas, views or questions. Please drop in at a session, telephone or view the website for further details.
Christine Grist (Play leader): Pre-school landline - 01647 24714 (Pre-school hours only)